SpeakerCue Released - A Confidence Monitor for Professional Producers and Presenters
Jun 12, 2018 09:00 AM

CampSoftware is excited to announce the release of SpeakerCue, a confidence monitor for professional producers and presenters. This handy communications tool is a simple, streamlined way for a presenter or speaker to monitor their time and for an assistant or producer to provide them with invaluable information. SpeakerCue requirements are simple; a Mac or PC for the person who is controlling the time and messaging, and an external display within view of the speaker to receive those messages.
"SpeakerCue is the only full-featured program countdown clock that integrates the ability to easily communicate with your speaker or moderator while they're on stage," said Bill Chapman, Executive Director/Producer at The Richmond Forum, America's largest non-profit public lecture series. "We've used SpeakerCue for speeches by President Barack Obama, actress Glenn Close, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, and others. Now, I would never consider producing a program without it."

The most important feature of SpeakerCue is that it provides a configurable clock, customizable in a variety of color and display options. The clock can be configured in hour/minutes or hour/minutes/seconds mode in the current time or as a countdown clock. Based on preference, it can also be set to flash or change color at a pre-set time to inform the speaker to start wrapping up their presentation or at other prearranged times.
SpeakerCue also features a one-way message transmitter that will allow an advisor to give speakers of all skill levels the instructions they need to make their presentations better in real time. SpeakerCue is an excellent way for a teacher to send basic instructions to a beginner speaker such as "Speak louder," "Slow down," "Look up," or "Smile." Seasoned professional producers can send their speaker more advanced cues such as, "Expand on that point," "Last question," or "Introduce the next speaker."

Computer Requirements:
* Mac running OS 10.9.5 (Mavericks) or later
* Windows running Windows 7, SP1 Platform Update (64-bit versions only) or later
* Also runs on Linux and Raspberry Pi
Visit SpeakerCue online to download a free demo. In demo mode, SpeakerCue will auto-quit after 10 minutes, but it can be relaunched as often as you would like. For more information, please contact Ardith Gumbert.
SpeakerCue was developed with Xojo.